
the collaboration canvas.

A couple weeks ago, my mom handed me a canvas and said, “Here, I’m stuck with this one and don’t know what to do with it. Take it and see what you come up with.”

Challenge Accepted…

…actually, it sat on my art table for about two weeks before I felt inspired to complete it.

The original canvas my mom passed off to me had letter stickers all over it, sharing Psalm 118:24

This is the day which the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.

I took the canvas outside (note my ‘helpers’ in several of the following pictures) and I began to paint. I started with an ivory-ish/yellow-ish color as the base. I was tempted to stop there but I thought the color would not contrast enough with the white of the canvas, making it difficult to read the verse. So, I opted to use a light pink (it is labeled coral but I am not sure it is that dark…) just around the letters to provide a greater contrast.

Image(The kitties enjoyed lounging outside while I crafted)

I waited impatiently for the paint to dry to begin peeling off the stickers. I was pleasantly surprised that under some of the stickers, the ivory-ish paint seeped creating a neat effect with the white of the canvas. (Good thing I used the pink paint!!)


Next was the task of finishing the canvas and matching colors with pieces I already had.

Image(please ignore the couch and pillows:))

In my opinion, I really like the end result and I think I am going to start using more stickers on some of my projects.

When I was done, I gifted it back to my mom and I am a little jealous that it sits on a bookshelf in her kitchen rather than mine… but I do get to enjoy it each time M and I head home!

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